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Zaniac Summer STEAM Camps
Cary, NC

Build confidence and gain an academic advantage at Zaniac with our award-winning programs and Summer STEAM Camps! Weekly themes include: Technology & Design, Science & Engineering, Robotics & Computer Science, and Zane Math Camp.

PineCone Youth Bluegrass Camps
Cary, NC

bluegrass music camp

IMACS Hi-Tech Summer Camp

IMACS Hi-Tech Summer Camp offers exciting academic programs in Computer Programming, Virtual Robotics, Electronics, Logic Puzzles and Mathematics for bright and talented campers in grades 1-12. South Florida: Plantation, Weston, Boca Raton; North Carolina: Cary, Chapel Hill, Raleigh! Full-day and partial-day programs are available.

Robotic Camp
Cary, NC

Robotic Camp using Lego robotics, microbits and video game creation programs allowing your child hands-on experience in design, construction and programming of robot and other programming tools.. Ignite your child's love of STEM: Science Technology, Engineering and Math.