The leader in teen adventure summer camps! Committed to providing safe, fun, substantive, and community-focused outdoor adventure trips. Highest return rate in the industry!

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SOAR offers high adventure summer camps designed specifically for youth and young adults between the ages of 8 and 25 diagnosed with ADHD and LD. Each of our summer camp programs promotes friendships, increase self-confidence, and develop life skills.

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Alpengirl Girls Summer Outdoor Adventure Camp
Multiple Locations: WA | MT | ID | WY | OR and Bozeman, MT

Girls outdoor adventure camp offered in Montana, Washington, Idaho, Oregon, Wyoming. For 1 or 2 weeks pre teen and teen girls ages 11 - 16 enjoy hiking, camping, horseback riding, rafting, backpacking, sea kayaking, surfing, rock climbing and more!

Table in the Wilderness Ministries
Centennial, WY

Table in the Wilderness is a year round facility/program that custom taylors each retreat/camp to the needs of your group