In SAIC's Middle School and Multi-Arts Camps, kids learn to discover, explore, and imagine inside the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago museum.
Join in the fun this summer as we explore the ever-evolving world of technology! By participating in our Tech Camps, we hope your camper will become more confident using new technology and learn new skills they can use in the future.
Youth & High School Summer Programs | Be the Pioneer of your Journey!
Free Technology Camp for Middle School Girls
We offer 30 different themed weeklong science day camps for children in grades PreK-7th across 6 locations in Highland Park, North Dallas, & Plano TX
Ivy Seed Academy provides Tech Coding STEM Summer Camps in Boston for kids 6-18 years old.
Our technology summer camps are held weekly during the months of June & July where students get to explore the many wonders of technology.
Join us for a week-long STEM camp! The kids will collaborate on fun activities that sharpen their STEM skills, all while having a blast with new friends.
If your child likes LEGO, Minecraft, Roblox, robotics, animation, or coding, they are going to love becoming a creator in a Classroom Antics summer camp! We are STEAM enrichment provider offering weeklong (half or full day) summer camps for kids ages 6-14. We offer camps in Akron, Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton.
20 science day camps offering everything from Video Game Creation, Robotics and Veterinary Medicine.
Ferris State University - Grand Rapids offers two summer computer camps (Digital Media Software Academy and Digital Animation & Game Design) for teens interested in game design, digital animation or software engineering.
The GREAT summer camps are aimed at students who want to unleash their creativity while learning about computer graphics, robotics and programming by making games, animations, and robots.
Campers will learn the skills necessary to program video games. Camps are available for both experienced programmers or those just looking to get started!
Story-boarding, filming with camcorders, strategy games, computer digital editing and digital music, Stop Motion Animation, computer programming (Python), Game Design and LEGO Robotics is taught. While working individually and in small groups, children will work on a number of projects. Each child takes home their projects from the camp.
Teaching kids the joy of coding computers by helping them write their own customized computer games!