News & Resources
It is time to plan for the summer of 2024 and update your listing. Camp directors are encouraged to update your camp’s listing(s) on the Camp Channel in regard to any time-sensitive information such as:
- Session dates
- Rates / cost
- Changes in camp programming
- New facilities
- Covid-19 policies
- Virtual (online) programming options
- More recent photos or video (if applicable)
- etc.
Click here in order to modify your listing. You are welcome to update your information as often as necessary.
Earlier this year, we also released a new feature update to allow camps to include six photos (previously two) within either a Basic or Full Hyperlink Listing; allowing potential campers / families to better visualize and become aware of all of the fun and unique experiences offered at your camp! If you already have a Basic or Full Hyperlink Listing, simply visit the link above to add more photos.
If you would like to add multi-media elements to your listing, but currently have a free listing, you may upgrade to either a Basic ($49/yr.) or Full Hyperlink Listing ($149/yr.).
If you are a prospective camper or parent seeking a summer camp for the summer of 2023 please keep in mind that many camps have yet to provide their updated information for next summer. It is always recommended that you contact a summer camp directly for the most up-to-date and accurate information.